Mobile Email Marketing Strategies

What would an email marketing blog post be without an opening statistic relating to mobile usage?  Mobile email marketing, it’s the big thing!

It’s too tempting to avoid – particularly when you consider that a whopping 54% of all emails are now opened on either smartphones or tablets.

You don’t need us to tell you how significant that figure is… but we will. And we’ll use this opportunity to offer five ridiculously simple mobile email marketing strategies you can try today to raise engagement with your campaigns.

1. Try and say everything in 50 words

That sounds impossible, right?

Not so! If you think like a newspaper editor, you can ensure your emails get their point across straight away and in as fewer words as possible.

The newspaper industry still relies on the ‘5 Ws’ to get people engaged immediately:

  • What
  • Why
  • Who
  • Where
  • When

We’ve highlighted the three you need to focus on when writing the copy for a mobile email marketing campaign. The ‘where’ is only applicable if you’re publicising an event, and the ‘who’… well, that’s your audience!

2. Rely on images and white space

Bearing in mind we’re trying to nail this in fifty words, those words are going to need a helping hand, and that’s where imagery comes in.

If you can, only use original images that are unique to your business. Be careful with their placement; a well-placed header image will entice people to read on. However, a product photo shoved two-thirds of the way down the email will be overlooked.

Use white space judiciously, too – it’s just as important as the colourful stuff.

3. Create content that can be shared

Videos, offers and surveys are examples of the types of content you can feature in your email marketing campaigns to tempt shares.

People are intrinsically used to sharing stuff on their mobile devices, and if your email arrives and screams ‘your friends will want to see this!’, they’ll feel compelled to pass it on.

4. Don’t forget your landing pages

So, you’ve created an awesome email that plays brilliantly on mobile devices.  You mobile email marketing game is on point.

Only, there’s just one problem. And it’s a big one.

When people land on your website having tapped the call-to-action, they’re met with a page that is completely desktop-centric; they have to zoom in and out to find what they’re looking for and the sign-up form messes up when they attempt to fill it out.

Campaign ruined.

Clearly, you don’t want that to happen, so make sure you apply the same level of proactive mobile-first design to your website’s landing pages as you do the campaigns from which they’re linked.

5. Test on as many devices as possible

You could spend hours perfecting your mobile email marketing campaign, but if it fails to display correctly on 50% of your audience’s devices, you’ve wasted your time.

Grab as many smartphones and tablets as you can and test the email relentlessly. Send test emails to friends and family, too, just to widen the device field a little and gain their feedback.

Wrapping up

To attract as many email subscribers to your website as possible and ensure that offers are acted upon, you need to develop a solid mobile-first email marketing strategy.