Creating an email marketing campaign which reflects well on your business is vital to ensure you leave a good impression with potential leads and even more important if you want to generate sales. To do this you need a fool-proof email marketing campaign which allows the whole process to run smoothly and reduces the risks of sending out inaccurate information.
To keep your organisation on the path to email marketing success, you should consider establishing a five part process which will keep your business on the straight and narrow.
The first thing to consider is establish a detailed brief of what the campaign will involve from its inception to execution. The second step is to create a Direction Document which is basically a checklist including the campaign’s name, subject line, pre-header content, email asset location, copy and any links contained within it.
Thirdly, you should use the appropriate code to accommodate the range of email providers which your email will be sent to. It’s important to check all the required elements are added properly, so working from a template is a good idea.
The fourth step involves sending a test email to check that all of the content is accurate and that the coding works properly. You should test the email on a variety of platforms including applications on desktop IE, Safari, Chrome and Firefox. This includes checking multiple ISPs such as Hotmail, Yahoo and Gmail along with mobile platforms such as the Android, iOS iPhone and iOS iPad.
Finally the fifth step is to have someone else monitor the email campaign before it’s sent out. The second pair of eyes should check the content, the subject line and when it’s due to be scheduled out. By following these rules, you will minimise the risk of any errors occurring.