How to Embed a mailingmanager Form on a Website

If you have created a sign up form in your mailing manager account, you may want to embed it into a page on your website. If you do this, visitors to your website will have the option to sign up to your newsletter.

First of all you need to create your form so go to Automation > Forms. When you load that page click create a new form. This will open the drag and drop form creator. Drag the fields you would like your website form to capture and click next step. (Please note, if you use the 'subscription management' field, you will not be able to get the code to embed the form)

The next screen will be where you decide what happens when the contact fills in the form. Finally choose the design of the form. When embedding onto your website, your web designer may restyle the form into the style of the website so the design may not be particularly relevant.

For a more in-depth walkthrough on how to create a form, you can see how to create a form on the side navigation of the help center.

Once you have created your form, it will appear in your list of created forms. Hover over it and click the orange action button.


On the drop down menu click get code. This will bring up a pop up model. On this pop up model you need to copy and paste the code from the text box and give that code to your web developer. They can then add the form to the website.