How to Mark Contacts as Inactive

Mailingmanager gives you the option to mark contacts as inactive at any time. You can also mark them as active again afterwards. You may want to do this if you are sending a one off campaign to a filtered set of contacts that haven’t opened an email for example. What you would do is first set up a filter of all the contacts that have opened the campaign.


This filter will show all the contacts that have opened a particular campaign. You then want to select all the email addresses that the filter shows by clicking the tick box at the top of the contact list.

You will be able to tell if the contacts have been selected because the little person icon next to the contacts will have changed from black to orange.

If you have over a page worth of contacts on that filter, there will be a little warning pop up at the top of the screen.


To select all the contacts in that filter click the option ‘Select all 9,924’records.

Once you have selected all the contacts, click the dropdown next to the tick box and click mark as inactive.



Your contacts have now been marked as inactive.