How to View List Reports

Mailingmanager provides detailed reporting across multiple elements of the platform. One element it reports on is lists. It is very simple to find these reports.

To find the reports go to reports > Lists.



This will open the list reports overview page. If you hover over the list you want the reports for and click the action button, it will give you the option to click reports.



This will open the reports specific to that list.



From here you can see the overview of the open clicks etc. for the specific list. Also there are two extra tabs at the top of the window. Subscriptions will show you who subscribed to the list and when they subscribed. You can export these results. You can also filter by date. So if you wanted to export people who subscribed in January and February, you would set the date range and then click the orange export button.


This will then give you the option to save the downloaded CSV file. Save the CSV file and your reports are now exported.