What is Default Page?
In mailingmanager there are many actions that require pages. There is also the chance that you haven’t created any pages and want to use a feature like a sign up form. Mailingmanager has a set of default pages that are automatically used in the case that you haven’t created a page for a certain action. The Default pages are:
- Default opt-in instructions page
- Default send-to-friend page
- Default send-to-friend thank you page
- Default subscribe thank you page
- Default unsubscribe confirmation page
These will be used in the case that you haven’t created a page for any of these actions. To view these pages start by going to campaigns > Pages.
When you load this page, it will show all your custom pages. At the top there will be a button that’s called ‘view default pages’.
If you haven’t created any pages yet you will not see the default pages button will not be seen. To see the default pages, you will need to create a page and then you will be able to view default pages when the custom page is saved.